• ISSN: 0972-8546
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  • NAAS Rating (Scientific Journals): 3.63

Plant Science Research, Vol. 45 2023, Pages : 78-83

Kapileswar Mallik, Niranjan Tripathy and Anirudha Kumar Khillar

Sustainable Use of Land Resources for Agricultural Production: A Review

As increasing population and food demand in the current era, we need to focus on new standards of an agricultural system for more production, which is only possible through proper land evaluation. Sustainability refers to the long-run food production system that contribute a welfare social life by providing sufficient food and services to mankind in a way that are socially responsible, environmentally sound and economically efficient and profitable. Sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices increase productivity, maintain ecosystems and strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought and flooding, which progressively improve land and soil quality. Land resource inventory is needed to specify the proper agenda in agricultural system, which is very poorly understood. Land resources information can be helpful to agriculturists before taking up any farming activities in the areas with addressing the issues. The present review highlights the value of the land resources with its application in relation to conservation strategies, site specific crop selection, development of nutrient management system. The climate change mitigation and potential solutions for maximising land productivity with preserving environmental sustainability also highlighted.

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