• ISSN: 0972-8546
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  • NAAS Rating (Scientific Journals): 3.63

Plant Science Research, Vol. 45 2023, Pages : 27-35

Subhrasilka Dash, Suchitra Rani Sahoo and Khirod Kumar SahooΨ

Integrated approach for selective utilization of phytobiomass: efficient phytoremediation

Natural resources, especially soil and water bodies which are near to mining area or industrial area are most polluted with toxic heavy metals since industrial revolution. The persistent heavy metals contaminations becomea threat to ‘Man and Biosphere’. Implementing sustainable practices such as phytoremediation contributes to mitigating the ongoing threat of heavy metals by reclaiming these contaminants from polluted soil. Recently, naturally occurring hyperaccumulator, tolerant species and transgenic plants are used for heavy-metal extraction. Extensive research is focusing on phytoremediation using plants like Pteris vittata, Ricinus communis, Jatropha curcas, and Cannabis sativa, Brassicaceae, Asteraceae, to extract heavy metals from the soil. Choosing an integrated system is crucial, where plant species act as hyperaccumulators and their biomass is utilized for purposes like biofumigation, biofortification and bioenergy production. Despite of certain limitations, the phytoremediation is one of the most efficient and cost-effective technology for reclamation of heavymetal from soil. Thus, the review mainly focuses on some known hyperaccumulator selectively utilized in field of biocides, biogas and nutrient enrichment of crops and biochar production for efficient phytoremediation.

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